Come and train in Bachelor Sport Business – Sport Studies

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Accueil » Programmes et Formations » Come and train in Bachelor Sport Business – Sport Studies

Bachelor in charge of Commercial Activities in Sport Business – Sport Studies

Title RNCP n°36294

It seemed important to us to support sportsmen and women towards bi-qualification – it is necessary to prepare the reconversion well… which will last even longer than the sports career!

Loic Varnet

Director of Chambéry Cyclisme Formation

The Bachelor Sport Business – Sport Etudes: reconciling sport, studies and professionalization

“We realised that the benefit is in fact wider: organising your time differently from your sport or meeting other people than those you practice with inevitably leads to more involvement in your sport – it’s an undeniable source of progress!
But that’s not all: to achieve high-level sporting performance over time implies understanding and mastering a set of complex factors – we all have something to gain from cultural and intellectual enrichment, including athletes, and the enrichment provided by schooling inevitably facilitates the understanding of one’s own sporting discipline.
The bi-qualification then takes on its full meaning: one course enriches the other and vice versa; this is the virtuous path towards which all educators are aiming! INSEEC Sport has understood this for a long time by providing a response adapted to the expectations of our athletes and we are delighted every day!

Loic Varnet, director of Chambéry Cyclisme Formation.

INSEEC student athletes on a bridge

A diploma course in 1, 2 or 3 years to specialise in sport

Holders of a BAC can apply for the first year of the Bachelor program, holders of a BAC+1 for the second year and those with a BAC+2 for the third year.

The objective of this professionalization pathway is to propose a reorganization of the days and the annual calendar to allow our sports students to conciliate the optimization of their sports performances and the pursuit of their studies in class.

This professionalization pathway allows the hopefuls or elites of French sport, able-bodied and non-able-bodied, to succeed in the triple challenge: sport, studies, professionalization.

All our final year courses are specialized and professional; they allow students to be directly operational in companies at the end of their course.

What are the courses of the Bachelor Sport Business – Sport Studies ?

The content of the courses is adapted each year to market developments and is updated before the start of each new school year.

The 1st year courses

  • Point of sale and distribution
  • Introduction to management
  • General culture & news
  • Community life
  • Voltaire Project
  • Accounting and financial management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Introduction to corporate communication
  • Marketing fundamentals
  • Word/Powerpoint Pack Office
  • Business English
  • Excel (statistics)
  • Back-to-school seminar
  • Challenge – Prospecting and sales techniques
  • Introduction to Law
  • Business skills 1
  • Market research
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Pack-office
  • Pitch/speaking
  • Soft-skills and personalities
  • Internship defense
  • Sales Challenge-Competition

The 2nd year courses

  • Commercial action plan
  • Professionalization
  • Project management
  • Labour law
  • Managerial challenge
  • Community life
  • Deciphering the economic news
  • Financial analysis
  • Marketing mix
  • Fundamentals of communication
  • Business Excel
  • Business English
  • Introduction to adobe
  • Back-to-school seminar
  • Management of sales teams
  • International business
  • Business skillsMarketing
  • Strategic marketing
  • Communication & media planning
  • Operational communication
  • Social selling
  • Soft-skills-Personal branding
  • Business Strategy Challenge
  • Production of multimedia content
  • Internship report

The 3rd year courses

  • Corporate strategy
  • Employment contract and negotiation
  • Strategic marketing
  • Improvement in office automation
  • Learning 7
  • CRM&Loyalty
  • Business English
  • Sports Marketing
  • Negotiation techniques
  • Personal Branding
  • Management of sales teams
  • Communication and digital strategy
  • Business plan
  • Human Resources Management
  • Commercial action plan
  • Communication plan

An adjustment to the annual calendar

This Bachelor’s degree is open to high-level sportsmen and women and to students opting for the ski studies course. The calendars are adapted and personalized. Classes will be held in the morning, except on Wednesdays when they will be held all day.

For any additional information concerning the “Sport Etudes” program, please contact the Chambéry campus.

What are the job opportunities after the Bachelor Sport studies ?

  • Marketing and Communication Officer
  • Product Manager
  • Customer advisor
  • Area Manager
  • Business developer
  • Marketing and Sales Developer
  • Key account sales representative
  • Commercial Manager

The details of the opportunities are available HERE.

Student INSEEC Sport Etude

What are the professional skills developed with the Bachelor Sport Business – Sport Etudes ?

The objectives in terms of skills are to be able to:

  • Block 1 – Participate in the definition of the company’s or organization’s business strategy
  • Block 2 – Design and implement a business development plan
  • Block 3 – Define and manage the budgetary elements of business development
  • Block 4 – Lead and develop the activity of the sales team
  • Block 5 – Professionalization – Designing and implementing commercial actions in the sports sector

This program delivers the certification ” Responsable d’Activités Commerciales ” n°36294 registered in the RNCP.

This certification is accessible by VAE.

Thevalidation of the certification is obtained by the capitalization of four blocks of competences common to all the courses as well as a block of professionalization according to the course of the candidate.

What are the teaching methods of the INSEEC Bachelor?

Teaching methods

  • Lectures and interactive courses
  • Situational exercises through collective or individual case studies carried out by the students
  • Conferences, seminars and educational visits

Evaluation methods

The three years of the program alternate between concept acquisition and practical application.

Each semester is validated by the award of 30 ECTS credits. Progression through the Bachelor’s program is achieved by validating the semesters one after the other, i.e. 180 ECTS credits acquired at the end of the 3-year program. The evaluation of the students’ knowledge acquisition is done through continuous controls followed by mid-term and final evaluations at the end of each semester.

  • Individual or group case studies
  • Individual and group oral presentations
  • Individual and group files

Methods and tools

  • The evaluation methods are face-to-face, in the form of continuous assessment or final exams in the form of mid-term exams.

What are the tuition fees for the INSEEC Bachelor program?

  • Entry into 3rd year Bachelor’s degree: 6 300€.

The rates presented are valid for the year 2022-2023.

What financial aid is available to integrate the INSEEC Bachelor in Sport?

INSEEC offers several financial aid schemes:

The INSEEC Bachelor welcomes people with disabilities

INSEEC, one of the schools of the OMNES Education group, makes every effort to be inclusive and open to all people, regardless of their background or situation.

Our goal is that no student with a disability should be hindered in his or her desire to pursue an education and a professional career.

Support is therefore provided to facilitate access to the premises and to offer personalized advice and adapted facilities throughout their school career.

Accessibility: all our premises are adapted to the handicap standards.

The disability advisor, present on each campus, is the main contact person who will help set up a personalized support system for the student.

It acts as a link between students with disabilities and the various entities that make up the school. It accompanies them throughout their training.

Contacts: a disability advisor is present on each INSEEC campus. You can find their contact details on the contact page of each city.

Sign up for an Information Meeting to learn more:

Key figures of the Sport Studies training


Taux de satisfaction global par rapport à la formation – Promo 2019


Taux de réussite – Promo 2019


Taux d’employabilité – Promo 2019


étudiant en bachelor sport business - sport études de l'INSEEC Bachelor lors d'un match de rugby du TOP 14
étudiants de l'école de commerce INSEEC assis dans une salle de classe
étudiants de l'école de commerce INSEEC assis en extérieur
Mis à jour le 8 janvier 2024