The Digital and Data specialization at INSEEC

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INSEEC DIGITAL & DATA, training courses to prepare for all digital professions

The INSEEC center specialized in DIGITAL & DATA offers efficient and specialized trainings, from BAC to BAC+5, in order to prepare for all digital jobs.

Our training courses cover several major areas:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Social networks and community management
  • Digital projects management
  • Marketing
  • Data management
  • Artificial intelligence.

Different levels of specialization and studies are possible at INSEEC. A general base of tools and skills essential to understand the market transformation related to digital is provided. Students are then free to choose the training that will allow them to deepen this or that aspect of the digital domain.

photo of 2 students in digital, place de la Bourse in Bordeaux

Digital and data professions: in high demand

Every day, our economy and society are more digitalized. Digital is a sector that does not know the crisis because it is constantly moving and evolving. Every day, new jobs are created in digital.

Thus many professional reconversions are possible thanks to it. Many communication professionals have gone back to school to specialize in brand content, traffic manager, data manager, social network expert or SEO manager.

An assured employability in the field of Digital and Data

Digital professionals must constantly renew their knowledge and be in permanent training. Our school responds to this mission by adapting its programs each year to the new realities of the market and by calling on professionals in the sector. To meet market demands and evolve professionally, intellectual agility is required!

At the end of their training, students will have expertise and innovative know-how that is sought after by companies.

Internships and/or work-study programs will also allow students to develop their network, build their CV and boost their employability.

Do not hesitate to consult our jobopportunities page as well as the examples of our alumni to inspire you!

Digital & Data is one of the 10 areas of expertise of the INSEEC business school. Discover our 9 other specializations in business, communication, finance, real estate, international, luxury & wine, marketing, HR & health, sports.

Mis à jour le 17 mai 2023