Studying with a disability

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professionals talking about inclusion and disability at inseec

Studying with a disability

At INSEEC, efforts are constantly being made to improve the quality of reception of students with disabilities.

Indeed, in the framework of the social and environmental approach, equal opportunities and education for all are essential rights that INSEEC wishes to defend for all its students.

INSEEC (and the OMNES Education group) is not only committed to facilitating access to higher education for students with disabilities, but also to providing them with the comfort they need to devote themselves to their studies in complete peace of mind.

Learners with disabilities should contact their campus disability representative.

The disability advisor is the privileged contact who will allow the implementation of a personalized support system for the learner and thus obtain the targeted certification.

The support program developed and implemented by the disability advisor is based on a permanent desire to adapt the study environment, taking into account the type of disability and its material and human constraints.

As part of the graduation or accreditation process, the disability advisor, in agreement with the school’s program management, may be required to :

  • Designing the admission and integration process
  • Arrange the methods of monitoring the lessons (practical and theoretical in the training center or in the company) in conjunction with the instructors and company tutors
  • Adjusting the evaluation process;
  • Obtaining third-party assistance with the assessment;
  • Adapt the materials and equipment needed to conduct the assessments.

Accessibility: all our premises are adapted to the handicap standards.


The Disability Referent

Contacts : a disability advisor is present on each INSEEC campus. You can find their contact details on the contact page of each city.

This person is the privileged interlocutor who will allow the implementation of a personalized support system for the student.

The disability advisor acts as a relay between students with disabilities and the various entities that make up the school. It welcomes students and accompanies them throughout their training. Its missions: to inform, advise, set up means of compensation, help in the search for internships…

In order to benefit from an adapted and personalized support, the student must first contact the school’s disability advisor.

focus on a young student from INSEEC, sitting down to study her classes
Mis à jour le 19 juillet 2022