Business school in Marseille: discover the INSEEC campus

Nouveau campus INSEEC Marseille
Notre Dame De La Garde cathedral church in Marseille - France
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In February 2024, discover the new INSEEC Campus in Marseille!

INSEEC is launching a brand new campus in Marseille, France’s second largest city and an economic crossroads!

By setting up in the heart of this dynamic city, INSEEC Education will be offering high-quality training courses from post-bac level to Bac +5 from 2024 onwards. Our Marseille campus will benefit from a modern and inspiring setting, designed to encourage learning, the exchange of ideas and the creation of a solid professional network.

Marseille new campus

INSEEC Marseille: a business school campus in the heart of Marseilles

By choosing our campus in Marseille, you’ll have the opportunity to study in a fast-growing metropolis, where many national and international companies have made their home. You’ll be ideally placed to find internships, work-study programs, job opportunities and develop your professional network.

Notre Campus marseillais, grâce à des équipements de pointe et des formations de qualité vous permettra d’avoir des conditions optimales pour travailler. Nos salles de classe modernes sont équipées de technologies avancées, favorisant ainsi les méthodes d’enseignement interactives et innovantes. De plus, notre bibliothèque digitale vous permettra d’accéder à une multitude de ressources académiques pour approfondir vos connaissances.

Notre campus dispose d’espaces communs propices aux échanges entre étudiants, enseignants et professionnels. Les espaces de détente et de restauration sont également aménagés pour favoriser la convivialité, la collaboration et les rencontres informelles.

We attach great importance to supporting our students on the road to successful professional integration. That’s why our Marseille campus will be offering career counseling, personal and professional development workshops, and networking events with local, national and international companies.

Amphitheatre full of students at a graduation ceremony.

Why choose Marseille to study at a business school?

A dynamic, cosmopolitan city, Marseille offers an environment rich in cultural and professional discoveries. Situated between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of Provence, Marseille enjoys a pleasant climate and an exceptional natural setting. Its port, the largest in France, makes it a major economic and commercial crossroads. Marseille is also known for its lively student life, with numerous university campuses and colleges.

Today, Marseille is one of the top destinations for higher education in terms of professional opportunities, cultural diversity and leisure activities.

campus inseec marseille

Marseille, an economic and industrial stronghold

Marseille, France’s second largest city, is an economic hub that continues to attract companies. With a business start-up rate of 18.3%, Marseille is the national leader in terms of entrepreneurship. Financial institutions, incubators, innovation clusters and renowned technology parks all contribute to Marseille’s very active entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Thanks to its proximity to the Mediterranean, the city of Marseille also benefits from dynamic international trade. The Port of Marseille-Fos is France’s leading port in terms of freight traffic, handling over 100 million tonnes of cargo every year. This port activity represents annual sales of nearly 7 billion euros, and generates numerous job and work-study opportunities.

Marseille is also a key player in the tourism sector, attracting millions of visitors from all over the world every year. With over 7,000 hotels, restaurants and tourist activities, the tourism sector generates nearly 2.5 billion euros in annual revenues.

Finally, Marseille stands out in the field of industry and technology. Major companies such as Airbus Helicopters, Naval Group and Altran Technologies invest in the region to benefit from its expertise and specialized infrastructures. These industries represent total sales of over 5 billion euros and make a significant contribution to the region’s economic growth.

With its dynamic economy and strategic location, Marseille offers many opportunities for companies looking to grow. In terms of economic figures, Marseille boasts a GDP of almost 39 billion euros, making it France’s second-largest metropolitan economy. Every year, the city attracts a great deal of foreign investment, contributing to its economic vitality. What’s more, Marseille’s unemployment rate is steadily dropping, to 7.8%, which testifies to the vitality of the job market.

With its strategic geographical position, flourishing entrepreneurial fabric and growth potential, Marseille is undeniably a booming economic hub. The city offers a wealth of business opportunities and is a favorable environment for innovation and business development.

terrace of the new inseec campus in marseille

The most frequently asked questions on our campus :

What programs does INSEEC Marseille offer?

3 programs are available on our Marseille campus:

  • BTS, a 2-year post-baccalaureate program for fast-track work-study professionalization – OPENING IN OCTOBER
  • Bachelor’s degree, a 3-year post-baccalaureate program to create a tailor-made career path through ongoing specialization – OPENING FEBRUARY-MARCH
  • MSc post bac +3 program in 1 or 2 years, for in-depth specialization and professionalization – OPENING FEBRUARY-MARCH.
New INSEEC Marseille campus

What are the entrance requirements for INSEEC Marseille?

Eligibility requirements vary depending on the level of study and the program.

See the details of our eligibility requirements.

How much does training at INSEEC Marseille cost?

The price of the course differs according to the programme, the year of study, the language of learning and the type of contract (initial, continuous or sandwich course).

For more details, please consult the curriculum page of your choice.

Can I take advantage of special offers as a student at INSEEC Marseille?

Yes. Once you’ve been accepted at one of our schools on the Marseille campus, you’ll be able to take advantage of a number of good deals to save you time and money: En Voiture Simone, Apple, Wili Mobilité….

Is a February/March start possible on the Marseille campus?

Only the Bachelor’s and MSc’s programs offer a spring intake (February-March), either reversed or staggered. Find out more by reading our Back-to-School FAQs.

Mis à jour le 25 janvier 2024