Financing your continuing education at INSEEC: the CPF

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What is the CPF?

The CPF, Personal Training Account, is the governmental scheme that allows each employee to identify his or her rights to professional training. These rights accumulate in the account throughout the employee’s working life.

It replaces the DIF (Droit Individuel à la Formation) since 1 January 2015.

Financing and following a training course …

Thus, depending on the rights accumulated, the CPF allows any employee or job seeker to finance and follow a training course at his or her own initiative . The CPF accompanies its holder from the moment he or she enters professional life, throughout his or her career. It is and remains attached to the employee, even if he or she changes employer.

… to adapt to market changes

The constant evolution of professions requires both the ability to adapt to change and the update of one’s knowledge.

This ability to adapt to changes will allow you to seize opportunities for promotion, development and personal growth.

The CPF thus allows each employee to take the initiative for his or her own training in order to acquire the skills needed to develop and improve his or her employability.

4 professionals chatting about lifelong training
Guillaume Rossignol thinking about his his professional future

How does the CPF work?

Since January 2019, the CPF is credited in euros, previously accumulated hours are converted into euros. The conversion rate applied is 15 €/hour accumulated.

Employees working at least half-time are credited with €500 per year, up to a maximum of €5,000.

To consult the amount of your CPF, you must go to the dedicated website.

Note that DIF hours are not lost, you must add them to your CPF.

Eric Pollion, head of inseec bachelor bordeaux thinking about certification

The CPF must allow you to obtain an RNCP certification

The Personal Training Account allows employees to finance trainings according to their needs. The training courses that can be financed with a CPF must lead to a certified title registered on the RNCP, or the validation of blocks of skills that are part of a certification registered on the RNCP.

If the training takes place during working hours, the employer’s agreement is required; if the training takes place outside working hours, it is at the employee’s discretion.

Is co-financing possible?

Depending on your personal situation, the CPF balance you have accumulated may not be sufficient to finance your entire continuing education. You can then obtain additional financing from your employer, your employer’s OPCO, the Pôle Emploi or your Region.

How can you use your CPF balance to register for a course at INSEEC Business School?

To take an INSEEC training course using your Personal Training Account, please follow the steps below:

  1. First, check your CPF balance on your account by going to : https: //
  2. Start your admission process for one of our INSEEC programs. Please note that only the following programs are eligible for CPF:
  3. Once you are eligible for the program, you can contact the Corporate Relations Department to put together your CPF file.
Mis à jour le 18 octobre 2023